Garden Design
To me, landscape design is the art of creating a sense of place. It can include food security, beauty, garden therapy and more. I have 7 years of experience as a market gardener and permaculturist, certified through the Woman's Permaculture Guild in 2021. Allow me to help design the edible landscape of your dreams!
You can find my landscape, permaculture and garden design prices, plans and packages in this PDF here:

Our Garden

Our lower garden in the spring of 2024. You can see our tunnel made with repurposed materials, potatoes, a new bed laid out for corn, broccoli and garlic, rhubarb and raspberries, and in the far back squashes planted in a tarp, a plum tree, and a herb spiral.
The lower garden is located right next to our pond, and has some glorious cedars overlooking it on the southside, making it rather shady and wet in the winter months. In the summer, this works to our advantage, and it requires a lot less water then the top garden.
Our greenhouse in 2023, freshly planted! It is a repurposed, temporary set up but worked quite well. Having space for seedlings is a game changer!